ASQ-3 Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition
Age Range
Avg. Duration
1-66 Months
Brooks Publishing
10-15 Min.
License Fee
The Questionnaires are part of ASQ-3, the Brookes Publishing industry leading screener, trusted for more than 30 years, to pinpoint delays as early as possible during the crucial first 5 years of life. These 21 age-appropriate questionnaires of the ASQ-3 are for the ages between 1 month and 66 months. They effectively screen five key developmental areas: communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, and personal-social. Each of these 5 different domains have their own score and a cumulative score is also generated.
Fast and easy to use, the ASQ-3 Questionnaires are included in the Comprehensive Pediatric Screening Interview and take 10 minutes on average or less for parents to complete. Ability to question reduce the ASQ-3 has been added to the screening interview making it easier than ever to complete the ASQ-3. Parents answer the questionnaire about their child, clicking the answer that best describes their child’s abilities. Clear questions, illustrations, and tips help parents complete the questionnaire quickly and accurately. Questions are presented one at a time with a single click answer to advance to the next question. The question format automatically adapts to the respondents device (smartphone, tablet or PC) making the Pediatric Tools electronic version of the ASQ-3 ideal for mobile devices.
Using Pediatric Tools data services, when the Comprehensive Pediatric Screening Interview is complete it is immediately scored electronically and an in-depth report with summary analysis and T-score trending is generated. Results can be printed, loaded into an EMR/EHR and are available as a PDF. Learn more about the complete ASQ-3 system, and discover ASQ:SE-2, the screener that reliably identifies young children at risk for social or emotional difficulties also available through Pediatric Tools.